13 Sep

Research Report: The State of AI in the Enterprise

Tom Jenkin

AI’s impact is permeating our everyday lives, and enterprise businesses are exploring and investing in the potential opportunities. Our latest report demonstrates how AI is important to two-thirds of businesses, yet many continue to face challenges around strategy, talent and knowing how to apply AI in the right way. 

The inaugural State of AI in the Enterprise report explores how important the technology is to solving business challenges amid a rapid acceleration of adoption. Based on the responses of 200 business leaders, there are key insights around organisational readiness, a lack of ethical frameworks, the biggest hurdles to harnessing AI and much more. 

The report covers the varying maturity among different industries, the rate of success behind AI projects and how enterprises are managing the lack of talent needed to derive business value. It also demonstrates a very clear appetite to explore how AI can be deployed for positive outcomes, but that many organisations' AI strategies lack maturity. 


  1. Strategy & Drivers
  2. Maturity & Familiarity
  3. Projects & Outcomes
  4. Challenges & Risk
  5. Ethics & Governance
  6. Implementation & Deployment
  7. Competition & Markets
  8. Talent & Skills

Download the Report here:

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